Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The abstract class AbstractCollection<T> is a skeleton class for the Collection<T>
interface. Although it is perfectly legal, you seldom, if ever, need to define a derived class
of the AbstractCollection<T> class. Instead, you normally define a derived class of
one of the descendent classes of the AbstractCollection<T> class.
If you want a class that implements the Set<T> interface and do not need any
methods beyond those in the Set<T> interface, you can use the concrete class
HashSet<T> . So, after all is said and done, if all you need is a collection class that
does not allow elements to occur more than once, then you can use the HashSet<T>
class and need not worry about all the other classes and interfaces in Display 16.1.
The word Hash refers to the fact that the HashSet<T> class is implemented using
a hash table, which was introduced in Section 15.5. The HashSet<T> , of course,
implements all the methods in the Set<T> interface and adds no other methods
beyond constructors. A summary of the HashSet<T> constructors and other methods
is given in Display 16.5. If you want to define your own class that implements the
Set<T> interface, you are probably better off using the HashSet<T> class rather than
the AbstractSet<T> class as a base class.
Display 16.5
Methods in the HashSet<T> Class
The HashSet<T> class is in the java.util package.
The HashSet<T> class extends the AbstractSet<T> class and implements the Set<T> interface.
The HashSet<T> class implements all of the methods in the Set<T> interface (Display 16.3).
The only other methods in the HashSet<T> class are the constructors. The three constructors
that do not involve concepts beyond the scope of this topic are given next.
All the exception classes mentioned are the kind that are not required to be caught in a catch
block or declared in a throws clause.
All the exception classes mentioned are in the package java.lang and so do not require any
import statement.
public HashSet()
Creates a new, empty set.
public HashSet(Collection<? extends T> c )
Creates a new set that contains all the elements of c . Throws a NullPointerException if c
is null .
public HashSet( int initialCapacity)
Creates a new, empty set with the specified capacity.
Throws an IllegalArgumentException if initialCapacity is less than zero.
The methods are the same as those described for the Set<T> interface (Display 16.3).
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