Java Reference
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println Output
You can output one line to the screen using System.out.println . The items that are
output can be quoted strings, variables, numbers, or almost any object you can define in
Java. To output more than one item, place a plus sign between the items.
System.out.println( Item_1 + Item_2 + ... + Last_Item );
System.out.println("Welcome to Java.");
System.out.println("Elapsed time = " + time + " seconds");
They produce the same output as our previous example:
A wet bird
never flies at night.
Notice that a new line is not started until you use println , rather than print . Also
notice that the new line starts after outputting the items specified in the println . This
is the only difference between print and println .
println versus print
The only difference between System.out.println and System.out.print is that
with println , the next output goes on a new line , whereas with print , the next output is
placed on the same line .
System.out.print("Tom ");
System.out.print("Dick ");
System.out.println("and ");
System.out.print("Harry ");
This produces the following output:
Tom Dick and
(The output would look the same whether the last line reads print or println .)
Another way to describe the difference between print and println is to note that
System.out.println( SomeThing );
is equivalent to
System.out.print( SomeThing + "\n");
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