Java Reference
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Chapter Summary
A linked list is a data structure consisting of objects known as nodes , such that each
node contains data and also a reference to one other node so that the nodes link
together to form a list.
Setting a link instance variable to null indicates the end of a linked list (or other
linked data structure). null is also used to indicate an empty linked list (or other
empty linked data structure).
You can make a linked list (or other linked data structure) self-contained by making
the node class an inner class of the linked list class.
In many situations, a clone method or copy constructor is best defined so that it
makes a deep copy.
You can use an iterator to step through the elements of a collection, such as the
elements in a linked list.
Nodes in a doubly linked list have two links—one to the previous node in the list and
one to the next node. This makes some operations, such as insertion and deletion,
slightly easier.
A stack is a data structure in which elements are removed in the reverse of the order
they were added to the stack. A queue is a data structure in which elements are
removed in the same order that they were added to the queue.
Big-O notation specifies an upper bound for how many steps or how long a program
will take to run based on the size of the input to the program. This can be used to
analyze the efficiency of an algorithm.
A hash table is a data structure that is used to store objects and retrieve them efficiently.
A hash function is used to map an object to a value that can then be used to index the
Linked lists can be used to implement sets, including common operations such as
union, intersection, and set membership.
A binary tree is a branching linked data structure consisting of nodes that each have
two link instance variables. A tree has a special node called the root node . Every node
in the tree can be reached from the root node by following links.
If values are stored in a binary tree in such a way that the Binary Search Tree
Storage Rule is followed, then there are efficient algorithms for reaching values stored
in the tree.
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