Java Reference
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Console Input and Output
Don't imagine you know what a computer terminal is. A computer termi-
nal is not some clunky old television with a typewriter in front of it. It is
an interface where the mind and the body can connect with the universe
and move bits of it about.
DOUGLAS ADAMS , Mostly Harmless
(the fifth volume in The Hitchhiker's Trilogy )
This chapter covers simple output to the screen and input from the keyboard, often
called console I/O . We have already used console output, but this chapter covers it in
more detail. In particular, this chapter shows you how to format numerical output so
that you control such detail as the number of digits shown after the decimal point. This
chapter also covers the Scanner class, which was introduced in version 5.0 of Java and
can be used for console input.
console I/O
This chapter uses material from Chapter 1 .
2.1 Screen Output
Let me tell the world.
In this section, we review System.out.println and present some material on formatting
numeric output. As part of that material, we give a brief introduction to packages and
import statements . Packages are Java libraries of classes. Import statements make classes
from a package available to your program.
We have already been using System.out.println for screen output. In Display 1.7 ,
we used statements such as the following to send output to the display screen:
System.out.println("The changed string is:");
System.out is an object that is part of the Java language, and println is a method
invoked by that object. It may seem strange to spell an object name with a dot in it, but
that need not concern us for now.
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