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A Hash Table Class (part 2 of 2)
12 private int computeHash(String s)
13 {
14 int hash = 0;
15 for ( int i = 0; i < s.length( ); i++)
16 {
17 hash += s.charAt(i);
18 }
return hash % SIZE;
20 }
21 /**
22 Returns true if the target is in the hash table,
23 false if it is not.
24 */
25 public boolean containsString(String target)
26 {
27 int hash = computeHash(target);
28 LinkedList2 list = hashArray[hash];
if (list.contains(target))
return true ;
return false ;
32 }
33 /**
34 Stores or puts string s into the hash table
35 */
36 public void put(String s)
37 {
38 int hash = computeHash(s); // Get hash value
39 LinkedList2 list = hashArray[hash];
40 if (!list.contains(s))
41 {
42 // Only add the target if it's not already
43 // on the list.
44 hashArray[hash].addToStart(s);
46 }
47 } // End HashTable class
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