Java Reference
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Display 15.17
A Linked List with an Iterator (part 3 of 3)
64 else
65 { // previous and position are consecutive nodes
66 Node temp = new Node(newData, position)
67 = temp;
68 previous = temp;
69 }
70 }
71 /**
72 Changes the String in the node at location position.
73 Throws an IllegalStateException if position is not at a node,
74 */
public void changeHere(String newData)
< Self-Test Exercise 13 asks you to complete the rest of the method changeHere .>
76 /**
77 Deletes the node at location position and
78 moves position to the "next" node.
79 Throws an IllegalStateException if the list is empty.
80 */
81 public void delete( )
82 {
83 if (position == null )
84 throw new IllegalStateException( );
85 else if (previous == null )
86 { // remove node at head
87 head =;
88 position = head;
89 }
90 else // previous and position are consecutive nodes
91 {
92 =;
93 position =;
94 }
95 }
If list is an object of the class
LinkedList2 , then
list.iterator() returns an
iterator for list.
private Node head;
97 public List2Iterator iterator( )
98 {
return new List2Iterator( );
100 }
<The other methods and constructors are identical to those in Display 15.7 and 15.11.>
101 }
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