Java Reference
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The method outputList continues to move the position variable down the
linked list and outputs the data in each node as it goes along. When position reaches
the last node, it outputs the data in that node and then again executes
position = position.getLink( );
If you study Display 15.4, you will see that when position leaves the last node, its
value is set to null . At this point, we want to stop the loop, so we iterate the loop
while (position != null )
A similar technique is used to traverse the linked list in the methods size and find .
Next let us consider how the method addToStart adds a node to the start of the
linked list so that the new node becomes the first node in the list. It does this with the
single statement
adding a
head = new Node1(itemName, itemCount, head);
The new node is created with
new Node1(itemName, itemCount, head)
which returns a reference to this new node. The assignment statement sets the variable
head equal to a reference to this new node, making the new node the first node in
the linked list. To link this new node to the rest of the list, we need only set the link
instance variable of the new node equal to a reference to the old first node . But we have
already done that: head used to point to the old first node, so if we use the name head
on the right-hand side of the assignment operator , head will denote a reference to the old
first node. Therefore, the new node produced by
new Node1(itemName, itemCount, head)
points to the old first node, which is just what we wanted. This is illustrated in Display 15.5.
Later, we will discuss adding nodes at other places in a linked list, but the easiest
place to add a node is at the start of the list. Similarly, the easiest place to delete a node
is at the start of the linked list.
The method deleteHeadNode removes the first node from the linked list and
leaves the head variable pointing to (that is, containing a reference to) the old second
node (which is now the first node) in the linked list. This is done with the following
removing a
head = head.getLink( );
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