Java Reference
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A Linked List Class (part 2 of 2)
39 while (position != null)
40 {
41 count++;
42 position = position.getLink( );
43 }
This last node is indicated
by the link field being equal
to null .
return count;
45 }
46 public boolean contains(String item)
47 {
return (find(item) != null );
49 }
50 /**
51 Finds the first node containing the target item, and returns a
52 reference to that node. If target is not in the list, null is
53 */
54 private Node1 find(String target)
55 {
56 Node1 position = head;
57 String itemAtPosition;
58 while (position != null)
59 {
60 itemAtPosition = position.getItem( );
61 if (itemAtPosition.equals(target))
62 return position;
63 position = position.getLink( );
64 }
This is the way you
traverse an entire
linked list .
return null ; //target was not found
66 }
67 public void outputList( )
68 {
69 Node1 position = head;
70 while (position != null)
71 {
72 System.out.println(position.getItem( ) + " "
73 + position.getCount( ));
74 position = position.getLink( );
75 }
76 }
77 }
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