Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Collection_Object s we have seen so far are arrays and ArrayList objects. Although it
is not required, the Statement typically contains the Variable . When the for-each loop
is executed, the Statement is executed once for each element of the Collection_Object .
More specifically, for each element of the Collection_Object , the Variable is set to the
collection element and then the Statement is executed.
The program in Display 14.2 includes an example of a for-each loop as well as
examples of some of the other ArrayList details we have presented.
For-each Loop for ArrayList Objects
for ( Array_Base_Type Variable : ArrayList_Object ) Statement
for ( Integer element : numberList)
element = 42;
numberList is an ArrayList with base type Integer . This for-each loop changes the
value of each element of numberList to 42 . (This example uses automatic boxing. So, 42
really means new Integer(42) .)
A good way to read the first line of the example is “For each element in numberList , do
the following.”
Display 14.2
A for-each Loop Used with an ArrayList (part 1 of 2)
1 import java.util.ArrayList;
2 import java.util.Scanner;
3 public class ArrayListDemo
4 {
5 public static void main(String[] args)
6 {
7 ArrayList<String> toDoList = new ArrayList<String>(20);
8 System.out.println(
9 "Enter list entries, when prompted.");
10 boolean done = false ;
11 String next = null ;
12 String answer;
13 Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
14 while (! done)
15 {
16 System.out.println("Input an entry:");
17 next = keyboard.nextLine();
18 toDoList.add(next);
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