Java Reference
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The ArrayList Class
“Well, I'll eat it,” said Alice, “and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key;
and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door; so either way I'll
get into the garden. . . .”
LEWIS CARROLL, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
ArrayList is a class in the standard Java libraries. You can think of an ArrayList
object as an array that can grow (and shrink) in length while your program is running.
In Java, you can read in the length of an array when the program is running, but once
your program creates an array of that length, it cannot change the length of the array.
For example, suppose you write a program to record customer orders for a mail-order
house, and suppose you store all the orders for one customer in an array of objects of
some class called Item . You could ask the user how many items she or he will order,
store the number in a variable called numberOfItems , and then create the array item
with the following statement:
Item[] item = new Item[numberOfItems];
But suppose the customer enters numberOfItems and then decides to order another
item? There is no way to increase the size of the array item . There are ways around
this problem with arrays, but they are all rather complicated. ArrayList s serve
the same purpose as arrays, except that an ArrayList can change length while the
program is running. So an ArrayList could handle the customer's extra order
without any problems.
The class ArrayList is implemented using an array as a private instance variable.
When this hidden array is full, a new larger hidden array is created and the data
is transferred to this new array. However, you need not concern yourself with this
implementation detail. All you need to know is how to use the ArrayList class, and
we are about to tell you that.
If ArrayList s are like arrays but have the nice added feature of being able to
change length, then why don't we just always use ArrayList s instead of arrays? It
often seems that every silver lining has a cloud, and this is true of ArrayList s as
well. There are three main disadvantages of ArrayList s: (1) They are less efficient
than arrays; (2) they do not have the square bracket notation, and so using an
ArrayList is sometimes notationally more awkward than using ordinary arrays; and
(3) the base type of an ArrayList must be class type (or other reference type); it
cannot be a primitive type, such as int , double , or char . For example, if you want
an ArrayList of int values, you must simulate this structure with an ArrayList
of Integer values, where Integer is the wrapper class whose objects simulate int
values. Automatic boxing and unboxing (as discussed in Chapter 5) make (3) less of a
problem, because an ArrayList with base type, for example, Integer can, in effect,
store values of type int .
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