Java Reference
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EXAMPLE: (continued)
The class Money is a private inner class of the class BankAccount . So, the class Money
cannot be used outside of the class BankAccount . (Public inner classes are discussed
in Section 13.3 and have some subtleties involved in their use.) Because the class
Money is local to the class BankAccount , the name Money can be used for the name
of another class outside of the class BankAccount . (This would be true even if Money
were a public inner class.)
We have made the instance variables in the class Money private following our
usual conventions for class members. When we discuss public inner classes, this
will be important. However, for use within the outer class (and a private inner class
cannot be used anyplace else), there is no difference between public and private or
other member modifiers. All instance variables and all methods of the inner class are
public to the outer class no matter whether they are marked public or private or
anything else. Notice the method closeAccount of the outer class. It uses the private
instance variables dollars and cents of the inner class.
This is still very much a toy example, but we will have occasion to make serious
use of private inner classes when we discuss linked lists in Chapter 15 and when we
study Swing GUIs starting in Chapter 17 .
Display 13.9
Class with an Inner Class (part 1 of 2)
1 public class BankAccount
2 {
3 private class Money
4 {
The modifier private in this line
should not be changed to public .
However, the modifiers public and
private inside the inner class Money
can be changed to anything else and
it would have no effect on the class
BankAccount .
private long dollars;
private int cents;
7 public Money(String stringAmount)
8 {
9 abortOnNull(stringAmount);
10 int length = stringAmount.length();
11 dollars = Long.parseLong(
12 stringAmount.substring(0, length - 3));
13 cents = Integer.parseInt(
14 stringAmount.substring(length - 2, length));
15 }
16 public String getAmount()
17 {
if (cents > 9)
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