Java Reference
In-Depth Information
2. The class must implement all the method headings listed in the defi nitions of the
For example, to implement the Ordered interface, a class definition must contain
the phrase implements Ordered at the start of the class definition, as shown in the
public class OrderedHourlyEmployee
extends HourlyEmployee implements Ordered
The class must also implement the two methods precedes and follows . The full
definition of OrderedHourlyEmployee is given in Display 13.2 .
Display 13.2
Implementation of an Interface
1 public class OrderedHourlyEmployee
2 extends HourlyEmployee implements Ordered
3 {
4 public boolean precedes(Object other)
5 {
6 if (other == null )
7 return false ;
8 else if (!(other instanceof OrderedHourlyEmployee))
9 return false ;
10 else
11 {
12 OrderedHourlyEmployee otherOrderedHourlyEmployee =
13 (OrderedHourlyEmployee)other;
Although getClass works bet er than
instanceof for dei ning equals ,
instanceof works bet er in this case.
However, either will do for the points being
made here.
return (getPay() < otherOrderedHourlyEmployee.getPay());
15 }
16 }
17 public boolean follows(Object other)
18 {
19 if (other == null )
20 return false ;
21 else if (!(other instanceof OrderedHourlyEmployee))
22 return false ;
23 else
24 {
25 OrderedHourlyEmployee otherOrderedHourlyEmployee =
26 (OrderedHourlyEmployee)other;
return (otherOrderedHourlyEmployee.precedes( this ));
28 }
29 }
30 }
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