Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The quick sort realization of split divides the array into two portions that might
be almost equal or might be very different in size depending on the choice of a splitting
value. Since in extremely unfortunate cases the split might be very uneven, the worst-
case running time for quick sort is not as fast as that of merge sort. However, in
practice, quick sort turns out to be a very good sorting algorithm and usually preferable
to merge sort.
Selection sort, which we discussed in Chapter 6, divides the array into two pieces,
one with a single element and one with the rest of the array interval. (See Self-Test
Exercise 4.) Because of this uneven division, selection sort has a poor running time,
although it does have the virtue of simplicity.
TIP: Pragmatics and Patterns
You should not feel compelled to follow all the fine details of a pattern. Patterns are
guides, not requirements. For example, we did the quick sort implementation by
exactly following the pattern. We did this to have a clean example. In practice, we
would have taken some liberties. Notice that, with quick sort, the join method does
nothing. In practice, we would simply eliminate the calls to join . These calls incur
overhead and accomplish nothing. Other optimizations can also be done once the
general pattern of the algorithm is clear.
Pattern Formalism
There is a well-developed body of techniques for using patterns. We will not go into
the details here. The UML discussed in Section 12.1 is one formalism used to express
patterns. The place within the software design process of patterns and any specific
formalisms for patterns is not yet clear. However, it is evident that the basic idea of
patterns, as well as certain pattern names, such as Model-View-Controller , have become
standard and useful tools for software design.
Self-Test Exercises
4. Give an implementation of the divide-and-conquer sorting pattern ( Display 12.5 )
that will realize the selection sort algorithm (Display 6.11) for an array with base
type double .
5. Which of the following would give the fastest run time when an array is sorted
using the quick sort algorithm: a fully sorted array, an array of random values,
or an array sorted from largest to smallest (that is, sorted backward)? Assume
all arrays are of the same size and have the same base type.
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