Java Reference
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The execution is suspended before the System.out.println . On the final recursion,
n = 0 and the code to be executed is
if (0 > = 1) // condition false, body skipped
{ // skipped
The suspended computations are completed from the most recent to the least
recent. The output is 1 2 3 .
11. The trace for Self-Test Exercise 5: If n = 3 , the code to be executed is
if (3 > = 1)
System.out.print(3 + " ");
Next recursion, n = 2 , the code to be executed is
if (2 >= 1)
System.out.print(2 + " ");
Next recursion, n = 1 , the code to be executed is
if (1 >= 1)
System.out.print(1 + " ");
Final recursion, n = 0 , and the if statement does nothing, ending the recursive calls:
if (0 >= 1) // condition false
// this clause is skipped
The output is 3 2 1 .
12. 6
13. The output is 24 . The method rose is the factorial method, usually written as n!
and defined as follows:
n! is equal to n *( n - 1 ) * ( n - 2 )*…* 1
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