Java Reference
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We would like to find the location of a file given its name. For example, given
TermPaper.odt , we would like to know that it is located in C:\Papers . Given , we would like to know that it is located in C:\JavaPrograms\
Recursion . The general solution is to start at some root directory, such as C:\ , and
to go through all the items in that directory. If an item is a file, check if it matches the
target. If an item is a directory, then make a recursive call to restart the search using
that directory as the new root directory.
Pseudocode of our recursive solution follows:
searchForFile(currentPath, targetFile)
if currentPath is not a directory
return error
for every item i in currentPath
if i is a directory
r = searchForFile(i, targetFile)
if r is a successful match
return r
if i is a file
if i matches targetFile
return path to file i
return target not found
To implement our algorithm, we need a way to determine if a path is a directory or
a file, and we need to find a way to get all of the items within a directory. Java's File
object will do all of this for us. To use it, we must import . Here is the
relevant constructor and methods:
File(String pathname)
The constructor takes a pathname and creates a
File object corresponding to the file or directory
with that pathname.
String getAbsolutePath()
Returns the pathname of the File object, e.g.,
String getName()
Returns the name of the File object, e.g.,
boolean isDirectory()
Returns true if the File object is a directory.
File[] listFiles()
If the File object is a directory then this returns
an array of File objects corresponding to all the
items within the directory.
Using the File object, we can implement the recursive algorithm to find a file. The
implementation in Display 11.11 returns an empty string if the target file is not found. If
the initial root folder supplied is not a directory, then an error message is returned. The
sample results assume the program runs using the directory structure given in Display 11.10.
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