Java Reference
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terminology used for classes. A class is the name for a type whose values are objects.
Objects are entities that store data and can take actions. For example, objects of the
class String store data consisting of strings of characters, such as "Hello" . The actions
that an object can take are called methods. Most of the methods for the class String
return some value—that is, produce some value. For example, the method length()
returns the number of characters in a String object. So, "Hello".length() returns
the integer 5 , which can be stored in an int variable as follows:
int n = "Hello".length();
As indicated by the example "Hello".length() , a method is called into action by
writing a name for the object followed by a dot followed by the method name with
parentheses. When you call a method into action, you are (or your code is) said to
invoke the method or call the method, and the object before the dot is known as the
calling object .
Although you can call a method with a constant object, as in "Hello".length() , it
is more common to use a variable as the calling object, as illustrated by the following:
method call
or method
calling object
String greeting = "Hello";
int n = greeting.length();
Information needed for the method invocation is given in the parentheses. In
some cases, such as the method length , no information is needed (other than the
data in the calling object) and the parentheses are empty. In other cases, which we see
soon, there is some information that must be provided inside the parentheses. The
information in parentheses is known as an argument (or arguments).
Invoking a method is also sometimes called sending a message to the object. With
this view, a message is sent to the object (by invoking a method) and in response the
object performs some action. For example, in response to the message
sending a
the object greeting answers with the value 5 .
All objects within a class have the same methods, but each object can have different
data. For example, the two String objects "Hello" and "Good-Bye" have different
data—that is, different strings of characters. However, they have the same methods.
Thus, because we know that the String object "Hello" has the method length() , we
know that the String object "Good-Bye" must also have the method length() .
You now have seen two kinds of types in Java: primitive types and class types. The
main difference you have seen between these two kinds of types is that classes have
methods and primitive types do not. We will later see more differences between classes
and primitive types. A smaller difference between primitive types and class types is that
all the primitive types are spelled using only lowercase letters but, by convention, class
types are spelled with their first letter in uppercase, as in String .
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