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EXAMPLE: (continued)
The task to be performed by writeVertical may be broken down into the following
two subtasks:
Simple Case: If n < 10 , then write the number n to the screen.
After all, if the number is only one digit long, the task is trivial.
Recursive Case: If n >= 10 , then do two subtasks:
1. Output all the digits except the last digit.
2. Output the last digit.
For example, if the argument were 1234 , the first part would output
and the second part would output 4 . This decomposition of tasks into subtasks can
be used to derive the method definition.
Subtask 1 is a smaller version of the original task, so we can implement this
subtask with a recursive call. Subtask 2 is just the simple case we listed previously.
Thus, an outline of our algorithm for the method writeVertical with parameter n
is given by the following pseudocode:
if (n < 10)
else //n is two or more digits long:
writeVertical( the number n with the last digit removed );
System.out.println( the last digit of n);
Recursive subtask
If you observe the following identities, it is easy to convert this pseudocode to a
complete Java method definition:
n / 10 is the number n with the last digit removed.
n % 10 is the last digit of n .
For example, 1234 / 10 evaluates to 123 and 1234 % 10 evaluates to 4 .
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