Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Self-Test Exercises
When opening a binary fi le for output in the ways discussed in this chapter,
might an exception be thrown? What kind of exception? When opening a
binary fi le for input in the ways discussed in this chapter, might an exception be
thrown? What kind of exception?
Suppose a binary fi le contains three numbers written to the fi le with the
method writeDouble of the class ObjectOutputStream . Suppose further that
your program reads all three numbers with three invocations of the method
readDouble of the class ObjectInputStream . When will an EOFException
be thrown? Right after reading the third number? When your program tries to
read a fourth number? Some other time?
The following appears in the program in Display 10.17 :
while ( true )
number = inputStream.readInt();
catch (EOFException e)
System.out.println("No more numbers in the file.");
Why isn't this an infi nite loop?
Binary I/O of Objects
You can output objects of classes you define as easily as you output int values using
writeInt , and you can later read the objects back into your program as easily as you read
int values with the method readInt . For you to be able to do this, the class of objects
that your code is writing and reading must implement the Serializable interface.
We will discuss interfaces in general in Chapter 13 . However, the Serializable
interface is particularly easy to use and requires no knowledge of interfaces. All you
need to do to make a class implement the Serializable interface is add the two
words implements Serializable to the heading of the class definition, as in the
following example:
public class Person implements Serializable
The Serializable interface is in the same package that contains all the I/O
classes we have discussed in this chapter. For example, in Display 10.18, we define a
toy class named SomeClass that implements the Serializable interface. We will
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