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Methods in the Class Scanner (part 1 of 4)
Scanner is in the java.util package.
public Scanner(InputStream streamObject)
There is no constructor that accepts a file name as an argument. If you want to create a stream
using a file name, you can use
new Scanner( new FileInputStream( File_Name ))
When used in this way, the FileInputStream constructor, and thus the Scanner constructor
invocation, can throw a FileNotFoundException , which is a kind of IOException .
To create a stream connected to the keyboard, use
new Scanner(
public Scanner(File fileObject)
The File class will be covered in the section entitled “The File Class,” later in this chapter. We
discuss it here so that you will have a more complete reference in this display, but you can ignore
this entry until after you have read that section.
If you want to create a stream using a file name, you can use
new Scanner( new File( File_Name ))
public int nextInt()
Returns the next token as an int , provided the next token is a well-formed string representation of
an int .
Throws a NoSuchElementException if there are no more tokens.
Throws an InputMismatchException if the next token is not a well-formed string representation
of an int .
Throws an IllegalStateException if the Scanner stream is closed.
public boolean hasNextInt()
Returns true if the next token is a well-formed string representation of an int ; otherwise returns false .
Throws an IllegalStateException if the Scanner stream is closed.
public long nextLong()
Returns the next token as a long , provided the next token is a well-formed string representation of
a long .
Throws a NoSuchElementException if there are no more tokens.
Throws an InputMismatchException if the next token is not a well-formed string representation
of a long .
Throws an IllegalStateException if the Scanner stream is closed.
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