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updated result = 5.0
Final result = 5.0
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7. A method that returns a special error code is usually better accomplished throwing an
exception instead. The following class maintains an account balance.
class Account
private double balance;
public Account()
balance = 0;
public Account( double initialDeposit)
balance = initialDeposit;
public double getBalance()
Solution to
Project 9.7
return balance;
// returns new balance or -1 if error
public double deposit( double amount)
if (amount > 0)
balance += amount;
return -1; // Code indicating error
return balance;
// returns new balance or -1 if invalid amount
public double withdraw(double amount)
if ((amount > balance) || (amount < 0))
return -1;
balance -= amount;
return balance;
Rewrite the class so that it throws appropriate exceptions instead of returning −1
as an error code. Write test code that attempts to withdraw and deposit invalid
amounts and catches the exceptions that are thrown.
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