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Copy Constructor Versus clone Method (part 2 of 2)
43 /**
44 Returns a safe copy of a. That is, if b is the
45 array returned, then b[i] is an independent copy of a[i].
46 */
47 public static Sale[] goodCopy(Sale[] a)
48 {
49 Sale[] b = new Sale[a.length];
50 for ( int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
51 b[i] = a[i].clone( );
return b;
53 }
54 }
Sample Dialogue
With copy constructors:
a[0] = atomic coffee mug Price and total cost = $130.0
b[0] = atomic coffee mug Price and total cost = $130.0
a[1] = invisible paint Price = $5.0 Discount 10.0%
Total cost = $4.5
b[1] = invisible paint Price and total cost = $5.0
The copy constructor
lost the discount.
With clone method:
a[0] = atomic coffee mug Price and total cost = $130.0
b[0] = atomic coffee mug Price and total cost = $130.0
a[1] = invisible paint Price = $5.0 Discount 10.0%
Total cost = $4.5
b[1] = invisible paint Price = $5.0 Discount 10.0%
Total cost = $4.5
The clone method did
not lose the discount.
Abstract Classes
It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which
they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.
Gettysburg address
An abstract class is a class that has some methods without complete definitions. You
cannot create an object using an abstract class constructor, but you can use an abstract
class as a base class to define a derived class.
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