Java Reference
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Late Binding
Suppose you are designing software for a graphics package that has classes for several kinds
of figures, such as rectangles, circles, ovals, and so forth. Each figure might be an object
of a different class. For example, the Rectangle class might have instance variables for a
height, width, and center point, while the Circle class might have instance variables for
a center point and a radius. In a well-designed programming project, all of these classes
would be descendents of a single parent class called, for example, Figure . Now, suppose
you want a method to draw a figure on the screen. To draw a circle, you need different
instructions from those you need to draw a rectangle. So, each class needs to have a
different method to draw its kind of figure. However, because the methods belong to the
classes, they can all be called draw . If r is a Rectangle object and c is a Circle object,
then r.draw() and c.draw() can be methods implemented with different code. All
this is not new, but next we are going to expand on this.
Now, the parent class Figure may have methods that apply to all figures. For
example, it might have a method called center that moves a figure to the center
of the screen by erasing it and then redrawing it in the center of the screen. The
method center of the class Figure might use the method draw to redraw the figure
in the center of the screen. When you think of using the inherited method center
with figures of the classes Rectangle and Circle , you begin to see that there are
complications here.
To make the point clear and more dramatic, let's suppose the class Figure is
already written and in use and at some later time you add a class for a brand-new
kind of figure—say, the class Triangle . Now Triangle can be a derived class of the
class Figure , so the method center will be inherited from the class Figure and thus
should apply to (and perform correctly for!) all Triangle s. But there is a complication.
The method center uses draw , and the method draw is different for each type of
figure. But, the method center is defined in the class Figure , which means the
method center was compiled before we wrote the code for the method draw of the
class Triangle . When we invoke the method center with an object of the class
Triangle , we want the code for the method center to use a method that was not
even defined when we compiled the method center —namely, the method draw for
the class Triangle . Can this be made to happen in Java? Yes, it can, and moreover, it
happens automatically. You need not do anything special when you define either the
base class Figure or the derived class Triangle .
The situation we discussed for the method center in the derived class Triangle
works out as we want because Java uses a mechanism known as late binding or
dynamic binding . Let's see how late binding works in this case involving figure classes.
Binding refers to the process of associating a method definition with a method
invocation. If the method definition is associated with the method invocation when the
code is compiled, that is called early binding . If the method invocation is associated
with the method invocation when the method is invoked (at run time), that is called
late binding or dynamic binding . Java uses late binding for all methods except for a
few cases discussed later in this chapter. Let's see how late binding works in the case of
our method center .
late binding
early binding
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