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9. Programming Project 6.18 asked you to use an array of Strings to store the fruits
and vegetables shipped in a BoxOfProduce object for a CSA farm.
Modify your solution further by creating a Produce class. This class should have an
instance variable of type String for the name, appropriate constructors, and a public
toString() method. Then create a Fruit and a Vegetable class that are derived
from Produce . These classes should have constructors that take the name as a String
and invoke the appropriate constructor from the base class to set the name.
Next, modify the text file of produce so it indicates whether each item is a fruit or
a vegetable. Here is one possible organization, although you can use others:
Finally, modify the BoxOfProduce class so it creates an array of type Produce
instead of type String . The class should read the produce from the text file and
create instances of either Fruit or Vegetable , with the appropriate name, in the
array. After a box is finished, loop through the contents of the array and output
how many fruit and how many vegetables are in the box. The rest of the program
should behave the same as the solution to Programming Project 6.18.
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