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The code is not very object oriented and does not support information hiding in
the Alien class. Rewrite the code so that inheritance is used to represent the dif-
ferent types of aliens instead of the “type” parameter. This should result in deletion
of the “type” parameter. Also rewrite the Alien class to hide the instance variables
and create a getDamage method for each derived class that returns the amount of
damage the alien inflicts. Finally, rewrite the calculateDamage method to use
getDamage and write a main method that tests the code.
4. Define a class called Administrator , which is a derived class of the class
SalariedEmployee in Display 7.5 You are to supply the following additional
instance variables and methods:
An instance variable of type String that contains the administrator's title (such
as "Director" or "Vice President" ).
An instance variable of type String that contains the administrator's area of
responsibility (such as "Production" , "Accounting" , or "Personnel" ).
An instance variable of type String that contains the name of this administra-
tor's immediate supervisor.
Suitable constructors, and suitable accessor and mutator methods.
A method for reading in an administrator's data from the keyboard.
Override the definitions for the methods equals and toString so they are app-
ropriate to the class Administrator .
Also, write a suitable test program.
5. Give the definition of a class named Doctor whose objects are records for a clinic's
doctors. This class will be a derived class of the class SalariedEmployee given in
Display 7.5 . A Doctor record has the doctor's specialty (such as "Pediatrician" ,
"Obstetrician" , "General Practitioner" , and so forth; so use the type String )
and office visit fee (use type double ). Be sure your class has a reasonable complement
of constructors, accessor, and mutator methods, and suitably defined equals and
toString methods. Write a program to test all your methods.
6. Create a class called Vehicle that has the manufacturer's name (type String ),
number of cylinders in the engine (type int ), and owner (type Person given
next). Then, create a class called Truck that is derived from Vehicle and has the
following additional properties: the load capacity in tons (type double since it may
contain a fractional part) and towing capacity in pounds (type int ). Be sure your
class has a reasonable complement of constructors, accessor and mutator methods,
and suitably defined equals and toString methods. Write a program to test all
your methods.
The definition of the class Person follows. Completing the definitions of the
methods is part of this programming project.
public class Person
Solution to
Project 7.5
private String name;
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