Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Suppose that HourlyEmployee is a derived class of Employee and that
employeeObject and hourlyEmployeeObject are created as follows:
Employee employeeObject = new Employee();
HourlyEmployee hourlyEmployeeObject = new HourlyEmployee();
employeeObject.getClass() == hourlyEmployeeObject.getClass()
returns false .
employeeObject instanceof Employee
returns true .
hourlyEmployeeObject instanceof Employee
returns true .
employeeObject instanceof HourlyEmployee
returns false .
hourlyEmployeeObject instanceof HourlyEmployee
returns true .
Self-Test Exercises
Redefi ne the method equals given in Display 7.10 using instanceof instead
of getClass() . Give the complete defi nition. Remember, we do not want you
to defi ne equal s this way in your class defi nitions; this is just an exercise.
Redefi ne the equals method of the class HourlyEmployee ( Display 7.3 ) so
that it has a parameter of type Object and follows the other guidelines we gave
for an equals method. Assume the defi nition of the method equals for the
class Employee has been changed to be as in Display 7.10. (Remember, you
should use getClass() , not instanceof.)
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