Java Reference
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TIP: getClass versus instanceof
Many authors suggest that in the definition of equals for a class such as Employee ,
given in Display 7.10, you should not use
else if (getClass() != otherObject.getClass())
return false ;
but should instead use
else if (!(otherObject instanceof Employee))
return false ;
What is the difference and which should you use? At first glance, it seems like you
should use instanceof in the definition of equals . The instanceof operator
checks to see if an object is of the type given as its second argument. The syntax is
Object instanceof Class_Name
which returns true if Object is of type Class_Name ; otherwise it returns false . So,
the following will return true if otherObject is of type Employee :
(otherObject instanceof Employee)
Suppose that (contrary to what we really did) we instead used instanceof in
our definition of equals for the class Employee and also used instanceof in
our definition for the class HourlyEmployee , so that the definition of equals for
HourlyEmployee is as follows:
public boolean equals(Object otherObject)
//This is NOT the right way to define equals.
if (otherObject == null )
return false ;
else if (!(otherObject instanceof HourlyEmployee))
return false ;
HourlyEmployee otherHourlyEmployee =
return ( super .equals(otherHourlyEmployee)
&& (wageRate == otherHourlyEmployee.wageRate)
&& (hours == otherHourlyEmployee.hours));
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