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Write a computer program that inputs a degree of difficulty and seven judges'
scores and outputs the overall score for that dive. The program should ensure that
all inputs are within the allowable data ranges.
2. A common memory matching game played by young children is to start with a
deck of cards that contain identical pairs. For example, given six cards in the deck,
two might be labeled 1, two labeled 2, and two labeled 3. The cards are shuffled
and placed face down on the table. A player then selects two cards that are face
down, turns them face up, and if the cards match, they are left face up. If the two
cards do not match, they are returned to their original face down position. The
game continues until all cards are face up.
Write a program that plays the memory matching game. Use 16 cards that are laid
out in a 4
4 square and are labeled with pairs of numbers from 1 to 8. Your
program should allow the player to specify the cards that he or she would like to
select through a coordinate system.
For example, in the following layout,
1 2 3 4
1 8 * * *
2 * * * *
3 * 8 * *
4 * * * *
all of the face down cards are indicated by *. The pairs of 8 that are face up are at
coordinates (1,1) and (2,3). To hide the cards that have been temporarily placed
face up, output a large number of newlines to force the old board off the screen.
Hint: Use a 2D array for the arrangement of cards and another 2D array that
indicates if a card is face up or face down. Or, a more elegant solution is to create
a single 2D array where each element is an object that stores both the card's value
and face. Write a function that “shuffles” the cards in the array by repeatedly select-
ing two cards at random and swapping them.
3. Write a program that reads in the average monthly rainfall for a city for each month
of the year and then reads in the actual monthly rainfall for each of the previous
12 months. The program should then print out a nicely formatted table showing
the rainfall for each of the previous 12 months as well as how much above or below
average the rainfall was for each month. The average monthly rainfall is given for
the months January, February, and so forth, in order. To obtain the actual rainfall
for the previous 12 months, the program should first ask what the current month is
and then ask for the rainfall figures for the previous 12 months. The output should
correctly label the months. There are a variety of ways to deal with the month
names. One straightforward method is to code the months as integers and then
do a conversion to a string for the month name before doing the output. A large
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