Java Reference
In-Depth Information
situations where a two-dimensional array looks very much like an array of arrays. For
example, you will see that when using the instance variable length , you must think of a
two-dimensional array as an array of arrays.
Using the length Instance Variable
Suppose you want to fill all the elements in the following two-dimensional array with 'Z' :
char [][] page = new char [30][100];
You can use a nested for loop such as the following:
int row, column;
for (row = 0; row < page.length; row++)
for (column = 0; column < page[row].length; column++)
page[row][column] = 'Z';
Let's analyze this nested for loop in a bit more detail. The array page is actually a one-
dimensional array of length 30 , and each of the 30 indexed variables page[0] through
page[29] is a one-dimensional array with base type char and with a length of 100 . That
is why the first for loop is terminated using page.length . For a two-dimensional array
such as page , the value of length is the number of first indices or, equivalently, the
number of rows—in this case, 30 . Now let's consider the inside for loop.
The 0 th row in the two-dimensional array page is the one-dimensional array
page[0] , and it has page[0].length entries. More generally, page[row] is a one-
dimensional array of chars , and it has page[row].length entries. This is why
the inner for loop is terminated using page[row].length . Of course, in this case,
page[0].length , page[1].length , and so forth through to page[29].length are
all equal and all equal to 100 . (If you read the optional section entitled “Ragged
Arrays,” which follows this section, you will see that these need not all be equal.)
Self-Test Exercise
23. What is the output produced by the following code?
int [][] myArray = new int [4][4];
int index1, index2;
for (index1 = 0; index1 < myArray.length; index1++)
for (index2 = 0;
index2 < myArray[index1].length; index2++)
myArray[index1][index2] = index2;
for (index1 = 0; index1 < myArray.length; index1++)
for (index2 = 0;
index2 < myArray[index1].length; index2++)
System.out.print(myArray[index1][index2] + " ");
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