Java Reference
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Display 6.8
String Processing Method with a Variable Number of Parameters (part 1 of 2)
Both methods use the parameter sentence as a local variable. If this
puzzles you, review the material on parameters in Chapters 4 and 5,
particularly Display 4.5 in Chapter 4.
1 public class Utility2
2 {
3 /**
4 Returns the first argument with all occurrences of other arguments
5 */
6 public static String censor(String sentence, String... unwanted)
7 {
8 for ( int i = 0; i < unwanted.length; i++)
9 sentence = deleteOne(sentence, unwanted[i]);
10 return sentence;
11 }
If you have trouble following this string
processing, review the subsection
entitled “String Processing” in Chapter 1.
12 /**
13 Returns sentence with all occurrences of oneUnwanted removed.
14 */
15 private static String deleteOne(String sentence, String oneUnwanted)
16 {
17 String ending;
18 int position = sentence.indexOf(oneUnwanted);
19 while (position >= 0) //While word was found in sentence
20 {
21 ending = sentence.substring(position + oneUnwanted.length());
22 sentence = sentence.substring(0, position) + ending;
23 position = sentence.indexOf(oneUnwanted);
24 }
25 return sentence;
26 }
27 }
This is the file
This is the file
1 import java.util.Scanner;
2 public class StringProcessingDemo
3 {
4 public static void main(String[] args)
5 {
6 System.out.println("What did you eat for dinner?");
7 Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
8 String sentence = keyboard.nextLine();
9 sentence = Utility2.censor(sentence,
10 "candy", "french fries", "salt", "beer");
11 sentence = Utility2.censor(sentence, " ,"); //Deletes extra commas
12 System.out.println("You would be healthier if you could answer:");
13 System.out.println(sentence);
14 }
15 }
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