Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Array Type Names
Whenever you need an array type name, whether for the type of an array variable declaration,
the type of an array parameter, or the type for a method that returns an array, you specify
the type name in the same way.
Base_Type []
double [] a = new double [10];
int [] giveIntArray( char [] arrayParameter)
{ ... }
Self-Test Exercises
11. Give the defi nition of a method called halfArray that has a single parameter
for an array of base type double and that returns another array of base type
double that has the same length and in which each element has been divided
by 2.0 . Make it a static method. To test it, you can add it to any class or, better
yet, write a class with a test program in the method main .
12. What is wrong with the following method defi nition? It is an alternate
defi nition of the method by the same name defi ned in the previous subsection.
It will compile.
public static char [] upperCaseVersion( char [] a)
char i;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
a[i] = Character.toUpperCase(a[i]);
return a;
6.3 Programming with Arrays
Never trust to general impressions, my boy,
but concentrate yourself upon details.
A Case of Identity
In this section, we discuss partially filled arrays as well as how to use arrays as class
instance variables.
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