Java Reference
In-Depth Information
To make a package, group all the classes together into a single directory (folder) and
add the following package statement to the beginning of each class file:
package Package_Name;
This package statement should be at the beginning of the file. Only blank lines and
comments may precede the package statement. If there are both import statements
and package statements, any package statements come before the import statements.
Aside from the addition of the package statement, class files are just as we have already
described them. (It is technically only the .class files that must be in the package
The Package java.lang
The package java.lang contains classes that are fundamental to Java programming.
These classes are so basic that the package is always imported automatically. Any class
in java.lang does not need an import statement to make it available to your code.
For example, the classes Math and String and the wrapper classes introduced earlier in
this chapter are all in the package java.lang .
A package is a collection of classes that have been grouped together into a directory and
given a package name. The classes in the package are each placed in a separate file, and the
file is given the same name as the class, just as we have been doing all along. Each file in
the package must have the following at the beginning of the file. Only comments and blank
lines may precede this package statement.
package Package_Name ;
package utilities.numericstuff;
package java.util;
Package Names and Directories
A package name is not an arbitrary identifier. It is a form of path name to the directory
containing the classes in the package.
In order to find the directory for a package, Java needs two things: the name of the
package and the value of your CLASSPATH variable .
You should already be familiar with the environment variable of your operating
system that is known as the PATH variable . The CLASSPATH variable is a similar
environment variable used to help locate Java packages. The value of your CLASSPATH
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