Java Reference
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returns the double value 199.98. If there is any possibility that the string named by
theString has extra leading or trailing blanks, you should instead use
The method trim is a method in the class String that trims off leading and trailing
whitespace, such as blanks.
If the string is not a correctly formed numeral, then the invocation of
Double.parseDouble will cause your program to end. The use of trim helps
somewhat in avoiding this problem.
Similarly, the static methods Integer.parseInt , Long.parseLong , and
Float.parseFloat convert from string representations to numbers of the
corresponding primitive types int , long , and float , respectively.
Each of the numeric wrapper classes also has a static method called toString that
converts in the other direction, from a numeric value to a string representation of the
numeric value. For example,
returns the string value "123.99" .
Character , the wrapper class for the primitive type char , contains a number of static
methods that are useful for string processing. Some of these methods are shown in Display
5.8. A simple example of using the static method toUpperCase of the class Character is
given in Display 5.9. As is typical, this program combines the string-processing methods of
the class String with the character-processing methods in the class Character .
There is also a wrapper class Boolean corresponding to the primitive type boolean .
It has names for two constants of type Boolean: Boolean . TRUE and Boolean.FALSE ,
which are the Boolean objects corresponding to the values true and false of the
primitive type boolean .
Display 5.8
Some Methods in the Class Character (part 1 of 2)
The class Character is in the java.lang package, so it requires no import statement.
public static char toUpperCase( char argument)
Returns the uppercase version of its argument . If the argument is not a letter, it is returned unchanged.
Character.toUpperCase('a') and Character.toUpperCase('A') both return 'A' .
public static char toLowerCase( char argument)
Returns the lowercase version of its argument . If the argument is not a letter, it is returned unchanged.
Character.toLowerCase('a') and Character.toLowerCase('A') both return 'a' .
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