Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Display 5.3
Another Class with a main Added (part 2 of 2)
37 public static double toCelsius( double degreesF)
38 {
40 return 5*(degreesF - 32)/9;
41 }
42 public static void main(String[] args)
43 {
44 double degreesF, degreesC;
46 Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
47 System.out.println("Enter degrees Fahrenheit:");
48 degreesF = keyboard.nextDouble();
50 degreesC = toCelsius(degreesF);
52 Temperature temperatureObject = new Temperature(degreesC);
53 System.out.println("Equivalent Celsius temperature is"
54 + temperatureObject.toString());
55 }
56 }
Because this is in the definition of the
class Temperature, this is equivalent to
Temperature . toCelsius(degreesF).
Because main is a static method, toString must have a
specified calling object such as temperatureObject.
Sample Dialogue
Enter degrees Fahrenheit:
Equivalent Celsius temperature is 100.0 C
Self-Test Exercises
1. Is the following legal? The class RoundStuff is defined in Display 5.1 .
RoundStuff roundObject = new RoundStuff();
System.out.println("A circle of radius 5.5 has area"
+ roundObject.area(5.5);
2. In Display 5.1, we did not define any constructors for the class RoundStuff . Is
this poor programming style?
3. Can a class contain both static and nonstatic (that is, regular) methods?
4. Can you invoke a nonstatic method within a static method?
5. Can you invoke a static method within a nonstatic method?
6. Can you reference an instance variable within a static method? Why or why not?
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