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Add a method named acepromazine( ) that returns as a double the dosage
in ml for the sedative acepromazine.
Add a method named carprofen( ) that returns as a double the dosage in
ml for the pain killer carprofen.
The dosage calculation is
mg per kg
mg per ml
2 =
Weight is in pounds.
For acepromazine, use mg per ml = 10, and mg per kg = 0.03 for dogs and
0.002 for cats.
For carprofen, use mg per ml = 12, and mg per kg = 0.5 for dogs and 0.25 for cats.
Modify the main method in Display 4.16 to include tests of the new methods.
11. Create a class named Pizza that stores information about a single pizza. It should
contain the following:
Private instance variables to store the size of the pizza (either small, medium,
or large), the number of cheese toppings, the number of pepperoni toppings,
and the number of ham toppings.
Constructor(s) that set all of the instance variables.
Public methods to get and set the instance variables.
A public method named calcCost( ) that returns a double that is the cost
of the pizza.
Pizza cost is determined by:
Small: $10 + $2 per topping
Medium: $12 + $2 per topping
Large: $14 + $2 per topping
A public method named getDescription( ) that returns a String contain-
ing the pizza size, quantity of each topping, and the pizza cost as calculated
by calcCost( ) .
Write test code to create several pizzas and output their descriptions. For
example, a large pizza with one cheese, one pepperoni and two ham toppings
should cost a total of $22.
12. This programming project extends Programming Project 4.11. Create a PizzaOrder
class that allows up to three pizzas to be saved in an order. Each pizza saved should be
a Pizza object as described in Programming Project 4.11. In addition to appropriate
instance variables and constructors, add the following methods:
public void setNumPizzas(int numPizzas) —sets the number of pizzas
in the order. numPizzas must be between 1 and 3.
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