Java Reference
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5 . public double fractionDone ( int targetDay )
double doubleDay = day;
return doubleDay/targetDay;
6 . public void advanceYear ( int increase )
year = year + increase;
7. The instances of newMonth that have their values changed to 6 are indicated in
color as follows:
public void setDate( int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear)
month = monthString( newMonth );
day = newDay;
year = newYear;
System.out.println("Date changed to "
+ newMonth + " " + newDay + ", " + newYear);
The point being emphasized here is that all instances of newMonth have their values
changed to 6. Technically speaking, the parameter newMonth is a local variable.
So, there is only one local variable named newMonth whose value is changed to 6 ,
but the net effect, in this case, is the same as replacing all occurrences of newMonth
with 6 .
8. Yes, it is legal. The point being emphasized here is that the parameter count is
a local variable and so can have its value changed, in this case by the decrement
9. Each case has a return statement. A return statement always ends the method
invocation, and hence ends the execution of the switch statement. So, a break
statement would be redundant.
10. They are assumed to be instance variables of the calling object.
11. public int getDay()
return this .day;
public int getYear()
return this .year;
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