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PITFALL: Overloading and Automatic Type Conversion
Automatic type conversion of arguments (such as converting an int to a double
when the parameter is of type double ) and overloading can sometimes interact in
unfortunate ways. So, you need to know how these two things interact.
For example, consider the following method that might be added to the class
DateSixthTry in Display 4.11 :
public void increase( double factor)
year = ( int )(year + factor*year);
If you add this method to the class DateSixthTry , then the following presents no
problems, where date is an object of type DateSixthTry that has been set to some date:
The int value of 2 is type cast to the double value 2.0 , and the value of date.year
is changed as follows:
date.year = ( int )(date.year + 2.0*date.year);
(Because year is private in the class DateSixthTry , you cannot write this in a
program that uses the class DateSixthTry , but the meaning of this expression is
So far, so good. But now suppose we also add the following method defi nition to
the class DateSixthTry :
public void increase( int term)
year = year + term;
This is a valid overloading because the two methods named increase take parameters
of different types. With both of these methods named increase added to the class,
the following now behaves differently:
If Java can find an exact match of types, it uses the method definition with an exact
match before it tries to do any automatic type casts. So now the displayed invocation
of date.increase is equivalent to
date.year = date.year + 2;
However, if you meant to use an argument of 2.0 for date.increase and instead
used 2, counting on an automatic type cast, then this is not what you want. It is
best to avoid overloading where there is a potential for interacting dangerously with
automatic type casting, as in the examples discussed in this Pitfall section.
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