Java Reference
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When you overload a method name, each of the method definitions in the class must
have a different signature.
The signature of a method consists of the method name and the list of types for parameters
that are listed in the heading of the method name.
If a method has the heading
public int computeSomething( int n1, double x1,
double x2, String name);
then the signature is
computeSomething( int , double , double ,String)
Note that the return type is not part of the method signature.
In Display 4.11, we also overloaded the method name dateOK so that there are two
different methods named dateOK . The two signatures for the two methods named
dateOK are
dateOK( int , int , int )
dateOK(String, int , int )
Display 4.12 gives a simple example of a program using the overloaded method
name setDate . Note that for each invocation of a method named setDate , only
one of the definitions of setDate has a signature that matches the types of the
Within one class, you can have two (or more) definitions of a single method name. This
is called overloading the method name. When you overload a method name, any two
definitions of the method name must have different signatures; that is, any two definitions
of the method name either must have different numbers of parameters or some parameter
position must be of differing types in the two definitions.
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