Java Reference
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Self-Test Exercises (continued)
19. Write a better version of the method dateOK with three int parameters
(Display 4.9). This version should check for the correct number of days in each
month and should not just allow 31 days in any month. It will help to defi ne
another helping method named leapYear , which takes an int argument for
a year and returns true if the year is a leap year. February has 29 days in leap
years and only 28 days in other years. Use the following rule for determining
if the year is a leap year: A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4 but is not
divisible by 100, or if it is divisible by 400.
A good name is better than precious ointment.
Ecclesiastes 7:1
Two (or more) different classes can have methods with the same name. For example,
many classes have a method named toString . It is easy to see why this is acceptable. The
type of the calling object allows Java to decide which definition of the method toString
to use. It uses the definition of toString given in the definition of the class for the calling
object. You may be more surprised to learn that two or more methods in the same class can
have the same method name. This is called overloading and is the topic of this section.
Rules for Overloading
In Display 4.11, we have added two methods named setDate to our date class so that
there is a total of three methods named setDate . This is an example of overloading the
method name setDate . On the following three lines, we display the headings of these
three methods:
public void setDate( int month, int day, int year)
public void setDate(String month, int day, int year)
public void setDate( int year)
Notice that each method has a different parameter list. The first two differ in the type
of their first parameter. The last one differs from the other two by having a different
number of parameters.
The name of a method and the list of parameter types in the heading of the method
definition is called the method signature . The signatures for these three method
definitions are
setDate( int , int , int )
setDate(String, int , int )
setDate( int )
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