Java Reference
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Display 4.7
A Class with Methods equals and toString (part 2 of 2)
public boolean precedes(DateFourthTry otherDate)
return ( (year < otherDate.year) ||
(year == otherDate.year && getMonth() <
otherDate.getMonth()) ||
(year == otherDate.year && month.equals(otherDate.month)
&& day < );
<The rest of the method definitions are identical to the ones in DateThirdTry in Display 4.4 .>
27 }
The return statement in the definition of the method precedes may look
intimidating, but it is really straightforward. It says that date1.precedes(date2)
returns true , provided one of the following three conditions is satisfied:
date1.year < date2.year
date1.year equals date2.year and date1.month comes before
date2.month date1 and date2 have the same year and month and <
If you give it a bit of thought, you will realize that date1 precedes date2 in time
precisely when one of these three conditions is satisfied.
The Methods equals and toString
Java expects certain methods to be in all, or almost all, classes. This is because some
of the standard Java libraries have software that assumes such methods are defined.
Two of these methods are equals and toString . Therefore, you should include such
methods and be certain to spell their names exactly as we have done. Use equals , not
same or areEqual . Do not even use equal without the s . Similar remarks apply to
the toString method. After we have developed more material, we will explain this in
more detail. In particular, we will then explain how to give a better method definition
for equals . For now, just get in the habit of including these methods.
The method equals is a boolean valued method to compare two objects of the class
to see if they satisfy the intuitive notion of “being equal.” So, the heading should be
public boolean equals( Class_Name Parameter_Name )
Display 4.7 contains definitions of the methods equals and toString that we might
add to our date class, which is now named DateFourthTry . The heading of that
equals method is
public boolean equals(DateFourthTry otherDate)
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