Java Reference
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Consider the following lines of code:
DateThirdTry date = new DateThirdTry();
date.setDate(1, 2, 3001);
if (date.isBetween(2000, 4000))
"The date is between the years 2000 and 4000");
"The date is not between the years 2000 and 4000");
The expression date.isBetween(2000, 4000) is an invocation of a method that
returns a boolean value—that is, returns one of the two values true and false .
So, it makes perfectly good sense to use it as the controlling Boolean expression in an
if-else statement. The expression year in the definition of isBetween really means
this.year , and this stands for the calling object. In date.isBetween(2000, 4000)
the calling object is date . So, this returns the value
(date.year > lowYear) && (date.year < highYear)
But, 2000 and 4000 are plugged in for the parameters lowYear and highYear ,
respectively. So, this expression is equivalent to
(date.year > 2000) && (date.year < 4000)
Thus, the if-else statement is equivalent to 4
if ((date.year > 2000) && (date.year < 4000))
"The date is between the years 2000 and 4000.");
"The date is not between the years 2000 and 4000.");
Thus, the output produced is
The date is between the years 2000 and 4000.
Another example of a boolean valued method, which we will, in fact, add to our
date class, follows:
public boolean precedes(DateFourthTry otherDate)
return ( (year < otherDate.year) ||
4 Later in this chapter, we will see that because year is marked private , it is not legal to write
date.year in a program, but the meaning of such an expression is clear even if you cannot include
it in a program.
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