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Self-Test Exercises
5. Write a method called fractionDone that could be added to the class
DateThirdTry in Display 4.4 . The method fractionDone has a parameter
targetDay of type int (for a day of the month) and returns a value of type
double. The value returned is the value of the day instance variable divided by
the int parameter targetDay . (So it returns the fraction of the time passed so
far this month where the goal is reaching the targetDay .) Use fl oating-point
division, not integer division. To get fl oating-point division, copy the value of
the day instance variable into a local variable of type double and use this local
variable in place of the day instance variable in the division. (You may assume
the parameter targetDay is a valid day of the month that is greater than the
value of the day instance variable.)
6. Write a method called advanceYear that could be added to the class
DateThirdTry in Display 4.4 . The method advanceYear has one parameter
of type int . The method advanceYear increases the value of the year instance
variable by the amount of this one parameter.
7. Suppose we redefi ne the method setDate in Display 4.4 to the following:
public void setDate( int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear)
month = monthString(newMonth);
day = newDay;
year = newYear;
System.out.println("Date changed to "
+ newMonth + " " + newDay + ", " + newYear);
Indicate all instances of newMonth that have their value changed to 6 in the
following invocation (also from Display 4.4 ):
date.setDate(6, 17, year);
8. Is the following a legal method defi nition that could be added to the class
DateThirdTry in Display 4.4 ?
public void multiWriteOutput( int count)
while (count > 0)
9. Consider the defi nition of the method monthString in Display 4.4 . Why are
there no break statements in the switch statement?
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