Java Reference
In-Depth Information
where Expression can be any expression that evaluates to something of the Type_Returned
that is listed in the method heading. For example, the following is a complete definition
of a method that returns a value:
public String yourMethod()
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter a line of text");
String result = keyboard.nextLine();
return result + " was entered.";
Notice that a method that returns a value can do other things besides returning
a value, but style rules dictate that whatever else it does should be related to the
value returned.
A return statement always ends a method invocation. Once the return statement
is executed, the method ends, and any remaining statements in the method definition
are not executed.
If you want to end a void method before it runs out of statements, you can use a
return statement without any expression, as follows:
return in a
void method
return ;
A void method need not have any return statements, but you can place a return
statement in a void method if there are situations that require the method to end
before all the code is executed.
Method Definitions
There are two kinds of methods: methods that return a value and methods, known as void
methods, that perform some action other than returning a value.
Definition of a Method That Returns a Value
public Type_Returned Method_Name(Parameter_List)
<List of statements, at least one of which
must contain a return statement.>
If there are no Parameters , then the parentheses are empty.
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