Java Reference
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creates a new object of the specified class and associates it with the class variable. 1
Because the class variable now names an object of the class, we will often refer to the
class variable as an object of the class. (This is really the same usage as when we refer to
an int variable n as “the integer n ,” even though the integer is, strictly speaking, not n
but the value of n .)
Unlike what we did in Display 4.1, the declaration of a class variable and the
creation of the object are more typically combined into one statement, as follows:
DateFirstTry date1 = new DateFirstTry();
The new Operator
The new operator is used to create an object of a class and associate the object with a
variable that names it.
Class_Variable = new Class_Name ( );
DateFirstTry date;
date = new DateFirstTry();
which is usually written in the following equivalent form:
DateFirstTry date = new DateFirstTry();
Instance Variables and Methods
We will illustrate the details about instance variables using the class and program
in Display 4.1. Each object of the class DateFirstTry has three instance variables,
which can be named by giving the object name followed by a dot and the name of the
instance variable. For example, the object date1 in the program DateFirstTryDemo
has the following three instance variables:
Similarly, if you replace date1 with date2 , you obtain the three instance variables
for the object date2 . Note that date1 and date2 together have a total of six instance
variables. The instance variables date1.month and date2.month , for example, are two
different (instance) variables.
1 For many, the word “new” suggests a memory allocation. As we will see, the new operator does
indeed produce a memory allocation.
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