Java Reference
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This, in effect, makes the loop body part of the update action. We find that it makes
for a more readable style if you use the update action only for variables that control
the loop, as in the previous version of this for loop. We do not advocate using for
loops with no body, but if you do so, annotate it with a comment such as we did in the
preceding for loop. As indicated in the upcoming Pitfall, “Extra Semicolon in a for
Statement,“ a for loop with no body can also occur as the result of a programmer error.
The comma used in a for statement, as we just illustrated, is quite limited in how
it can be used. You can use it with assignment statements and with incremented and
decremented variables (such as term++ or term-- ), but not with just any arbitrary
statements. In particular, both declaring variables and using the comma in for
statements can be troublesome. For example, the following is illegal:
for ( int term = 1, double sum = 0; term <= 10; term++)
sum = sum + term;
Even the following is illegal:
double sum;
for ( int term = 1, sum = 0; term <= 10; term++)
sum = sum + term;
Java will interpret
int term = 1, sum = 0;
as declaring both term and sum to be int variables and complain that sum is already
If you do not declare sum anyplace else (and it is acceptable to make sum an int variable
instead of a double variable), then the following, although we discourage it, is legal:
for ( int term = 1, sum = 0; term <= 10; term++)
sum = sum + term;
The first part in parentheses (up to the semicolon) declares both term and sum to be
int variables and initializes both of them.
It is best to simply avoid these possibly confusing examples. When using the comma
in a for statement, it is safest to simply declare all variables outside the for statement.
If you declare all variables outside the for loop, the rules are no longer complicated.
A for loop can have only one Boolean expression to test for ending the for loop.
However, you can perform multiple tests by connecting the tests using && or ||
operators to form one larger Boolean expression.
(C, C++, and some other programming languages have a general-purpose comma
operator. Readers who have programmed in one of these languages need to be warned
that, in Java, there is no comma operator. In Java, the comma is a separator, not an
operator, and its use is very restricted compared with the comma operator in C and C++.)
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