Java Reference
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Precedence and Associativity Rules
From highest at top to lowest at bottom. Operators in
the same group have equal precedence.
Dot operator, array indexing, and
method invocation., [ ], ( )
Left to right
++ (postfix, as in x ++ ), −− (postfix)
Right to left
The unary operators: + , , ++ (prefix, as in ++ x),
−− (prefix), and !
Right to left
Type casts (Type)
Right to left
The binary operators * , / , %
Left to right
The binary operators +, −
Left to right
The binary operators < , > , <= , >=
Left to right
The binary operators == , ! =
Left to right
The binary operator &
Left to right
The binary operator |
Left to right
The binary operator &&
Left to right
The binary operator ||
Left to right
The ternary operator (conditional operator ) ? :
Right to left
The assignment operators = , *= , /= , %= , += , −= , & = , |=
Right to left
So the computer must use the associativity rules, which say that + and - are associated
left to right. So, it interprets the expression as
(bonus + ((balance * rate) / correctionFactor)) - penalty
which in turn is interpreted as the following fully parenthesized expression:
((bonus + ((balance * rate) / correctionFactor)) - penalty)
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