Java Reference
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Display 3.1
Tax Program
1 import java.util.Scanner;
2 public class IncomeTax
3 {
4 public static void main(String[] args)
5 {
6 Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
7 double netIncome, tax, fivePercentTax, tenPercentTax;
8 System.out.println("Enter net income.\n"
9 + "Do not include a dollar sign or any commas.");
10 netIncome = keyboard.nextDouble( );
11 if (netIncome <= 15000)
12 tax = 0;
13 else if ((netIncome > 15000) && (netIncome <= 30000))
14 // tax = 5% of amount over $15,000
15 tax = (0.05*(netIncome - 15000));
16 else //netIncome > $30,000
17 {
18 // fivePercentTax = 5% of income from $15,000 to $30,000 .
19 fivePercentTax = 0.05*15000;
20 // tenPercentTax = 10% of income over $30,000 .
21 tenPercentTax = 0.10*(netIncome - 30000);
22 tax = (fivePercentTax + tenPercentTax);
23 }
24 System.out.printf("Tax due = $%.2f", tax);
25 }
26 }
Sample Dialogue
Enter net income.
Do not include a dollar sign or any commas.
Tax due = $1750.00
The switch Statement
The switch statement is the only other kind of Java statement that implements
multiway branches. The syntax for a switch statement and a simple example are
shown in the box entitled “The switch Statement.”
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