Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Self-Test Exercises
18. What would the program in Display 2.12 output if there is no fi le named
player.txt in the same directory as the Java program?
19. What is missing from the following code, which attempts to open a fi le and
read an integer?
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ReadInteger
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner fileIn = new Scanner(
new FileInputStream("datafile.txt"));
int num = fileIn.nextInt();
Chapter Summary
You can use System.out.println for simple console output.
You can use System.out.printf for formatted console output.
You can use NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance() to produce an object that can
convert numbers to strings that show the number as a correctly formatted currency
amount, for example, by adding a dollar sign and having exactly two digits after the
decimal point.
You can use the class DecimalFormat to output numbers using almost any format
you desire.
You can use an object of the class Scanner for reading keyboard input.
You can use an object of the class Scanner for reading input from a text file.
Answers to Self-Test Exercises
1 . HelloJoe
2 . System.out.println("One two buckle your shoe.");
System.out.println("Three four shut the door.");
3 . System.out.println ends a line of input, so the next output goes on the next
line. With System.out.print , the next output goes on the same line.
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