Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public void ensureCapacity( int newCapacity)
Increases the capacity of the calling vector to ensure that it can hold at least newCapacity
elements. Using ensureCapacity can sometimes increase effi ciency, but its use is not needed
for any other reason.
public void setSize( int newSize)
Sets the size of the calling vector to newSize . If newSize is greater than the current size, the
new elements receive the value null . If newSize is less than the current size, all elements at
index newSize and greater are discarded.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if newSize is negative.
public int size()
Returns the number of elements in the calling vector.
public void trimToSize()
Trims the capacity of the calling vector to be the vector's current size. This is used to save storage.
public Object clone()
Returns a clone of the calling vector. The clone is an identical copy of the calling vector.
These are methods that are not part of the newer collection framework, but are retained for
backward compatibility. You should use the previously described newer methods instead. But,
you may fi nd these used in older code.
public void addElement(T newElement)
Same as add .
public void insertElementAt(T newElement, int index)
Same as add .
public T elementAt( int index)
Same as get .
public void removeAllElements()
Same as clear .
public boolean removeElement(Object theElement)
Same as remove .
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