Java Reference
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public int indexOf(Object target)
Returns the index of the fi rst element that is equal to target . Uses the method equals of the
object target to test for equality. Returns −1 if target is not found.
Throws :
ClassCastException if the type of target is incompatible with the calling object (optional).
NullPointerException if target is null and the calling object does not support null
elements (optional).
public int lastIndexOf(Object target)
Returns the index of the last element that is equal to target . Uses the method equals of the
object target to test for equality. Returns −1 if target is not found.
ClassCastException if the type of target is incompatible with the calling object (optional).
NullPointerException if target is null and the calling object does not support null
elements (optional).
public List<T> subList( int fromIndex, int toIndex)
Returns a view of the elements at locations fromIndex to toIndex of the calling object; the
object at fromIndex is included; the object, if any, at toIndex is not included. The view uses
references into the calling object; so, changing the view can change the calling object. The
returned object will be of type List<T> but need not be of the same type as the calling object.
Returns an empty List<T> if fromIndex equals toIndex .
IndexOutOfBoundsException if fromIndex and toIndex do not satisfy:
0 <= fromIndex <= toIndex <= size() .
ListIterator<T> listIterator()
Returns a list iterator for the calling object. (Iterators are discussed in Section 16.3.)
ListIterator<T> listIterator( int index)
Returns a list iterator for the calling object starting at index . The fi rst element to be returned by
the iterator is the one at index . (Iterators are discussed in Section 16.3.)
IndexOutOfBoundsException if index does not satisfy:
0 <= index <= size()
public T get ( int index)
Returns the object at position index .
Throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is not in the range:
0 <= index < size() .
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