Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public String getName()
Returns the last name in the abstract pathname (that is, the simple fi le name). Returns the empty
string if the abstract pathname is the empty string.
public String getPath()
Returns the abstract pathname as a String value.
public boolean isDirectory()
Returns true if a directory (folder) exists that is named by the abstract pathname; otherwise
returns false .
public boolean isFile()
Returns true if a fi le exists that is named by the abstract pathname and the fi le is a normal fi le;
otherwise returns false . The meaning of normal is system dependent. Any fi le created by a
Java program is guaranteed to be normal.
public long length()
Returns the length in bytes of the fi le named by the abstract pathname. If the fi le does not exist
or the abstract pathname names a directory, then the value returned is not specifi ed and may
be anything.
public boolean mkdir()
Makes a directory named by the abstract pathname. Will not create parent directories. See
mkdirs . Returns true if successful; otherwise returns false .
public boolean mkdirs()
Makes a directory named by the abstract pathname. Will create any necessary but nonexistent
parent directories. Returns true if successful; otherwise returns false . Note that if it fails, then
some of the parent directories may have been created.
public boolean renameTo(File newName)
Renames the fi le represented by the abstract pathname to newName . Returns true if
successful; otherwise returns false . newName can be a relative or absolute pathname. This may
require moving the fi le. Whether or not the fi le can be moved is system dependent.
NullPointerException if parameter newName is null .
public boolean setReadOnly()
Sets the fi le represented by the abstract pathname to be read only. Returns true if successful;
otherwise returns false .
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